Report Number Title and Additional Documents Date Committee categories_hfilter
CRC Project No. E-140 – FINAL REPORT

Low NOx and NMOG – Modeling

Keywords: E-140, Southwest Research Institute, SwRI, modeling, NOx, oxides of nitrogen, NMOG, non-methane organic gas, light-duty, medium-duty, emissions

September 16, 2024 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report

Evaluation of the Potential for Significant GHG Emission Reductions from ICEs Operated on Liquid Fuels

Keywords: SM-1, e4Tech, AVL, ICE vehicles, BEVs, US grid decarbonization, GHG, drop in fuels, non-drop in fuels, vehicle stock modelling, fuel supply ramp up, well-to-wheel analyses, lifecycle GHG analyses, low carbon fuels

August 5, 2024 Published Report, Sustainable Mobility published-report sustainable-mobility
CRC Project No. DP-04-22 FINAL REPORT

Fuel Research Using the Internal Diesel Injector Deposit (IDID) Rig

Keywords: Southwest Research Institute, CRC Internal Diesel Injector Deposit (IDID) Test, Moehwald HDA-500 injection rate meter, internal diesel injector deposits, VASE measurements 



August 1, 2024 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Project No. SM-E-18/E-142 FINAL REPORT

V2X Requirements to Support the SAE J1634 Short Multi-Cycle Test and Setting Initial SOC for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles

Keywords: Southwest Research Institute, SAE J1634, Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV), State of Charge (SOC), PHEV SOC Conditioning, Electric vehicle, Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G), Vehicle-to-home (V2H), Vehicle-to-load (V2L), Vehicle-to-everything (V2X)



July 12, 2024 Emissions, Published Report, Sustainable Mobility emissions published-report sustainable-mobility
CRC Project No. CM-136-20

Develop Precision Statements for Oxidation Stability Test Methods ASTM D525 and ASTM D7525/ Correlation Study Between Instruments Between Operating Range 240-1440 Minutes

Keywords: Southwest Research Institute, SwRI, ASTM D525, D7525 Oxidation Stability, correlation





July 1, 2024 Performance, Published Report performance published-report

Assess the Battery-Recharging and Hydrogen-Refueling Infrastructure Needs, Costs and Timelines Required to Support Regulatory Requirements for Light-, Medium-, and Heavy-Duty Zero-Emission Vehicles

CRC SM-CR-9 – Executive Summary

CRC SM-CR-9 – MDHD Fact Sheet

CRC SM-CR-9 – Grid Impact Assessment

CRC SM-CR-9 – Sensitivity to Technology Mix

CRC SM-CR-9 – County-Level Highlights

Keywords: Infrastructure, SM-CR-9, recharging, hydrogen, light-duty, medium-duty, heavy-duty, zero-emission vehicles, ICF



June 20, 2024 Published Report, Sustainable Mobility published-report sustainable-mobility
11th CRC Mobile Source Air Toxics (MSAT) Workshop

The summary for the 11th CRC Mobile Source Air Toxics Workshop can be found here.

May 23, 2024 Announcements, Past Events, Published Report, Workshops announcements past-events published-report workshops all-events
CRC Project No. E-135


Keywords: Southwest Research Institute, SwRI, Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI), Tier 3 Vehicles, Statistical Analysis



April 22, 2024 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project No. AVFL-45

Impact of Thermal Conditioning on Battery Pack Efficiency and associated Lifetime Range and fully-burdened GHG Reduction: Literature Review

Keywords: University of Michigan, literature review, Electric vehicle (EV), GHG, preheating methods, Constant Current (CC), Constant Voltage (CV), Alternating Current (AC), lithium-ion



December 21, 2023 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Project No. AV-20-20- FINAL REPORT


Keywords: UDEL, University of Delaware, HOV, Aviation Fuels, AvGas, Aviation Fuels Properties Handbook, 



December 11, 2023 Aviation, Published Report aviation published-report
CRC Project No. RW-107-3a


 Appendix A – RW-107-3 (Southwest Research Institute)

Appendix A.C – Results for RW-107-3

Appendix B – RW-107-3a

PME Calculator to Appendix B – PME Calculator

PME Calculator Notes – Notes


Keywords: PMI; PME; YSI; Emissions; PM; Rincon Ranch Consulting; Southwest Research Institute; Trinity Consultants

September 15, 2023 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project No. RW-120


Keywords: Emissions, Heavy-Duty, SwRI, Fuels, NOx 



August 9, 2023 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project No. SM-E-16

Charging Plaza Load Analysis and Forecast

Keywords: SEPA, DC fast charging, Smart Electric Power Alliance, DCFC, residential charging, public charging, BEV 



July 11, 2023 Published Report, Sustainable Mobility published-report sustainable-mobility
CRC Project No. AV-24 – Marathon Petroleum Troubleshooting Guide for Jet Fuel Thermal Stability

CRC AV-24 -Marathon Petroleum Troubleshooting Guide for Jet Fuel Thermal Stability

Keywords: thermal stability, troubleshooting guide, aviation fuels, Marathon Petroleum, MPC


June 28, 2023 Aviation, Published Report aviation published-report
CRC Project No. AVFL-39

Lube Effect on Catalyst and Gasoline Particulate Filter Aging: Literature Review

Keywords: Southwest Research Institute, Gasoline Particulate Filer (GPF), Particulate Matter (PM), Particulate Number (PN), Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV)



June 13, 2023 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Project No. E-119-3 / CRC Project No. E-119-3a / CRC Project No. RW-105

CRC Project E-119-3 HEAT ON-ROAD REMOTE SENSING OF AUTOMOBILE EMISSIONS IN THE PHOENIX AREA: Spring 2021  Written by Hager Environment & Atmospheric Technologies August 2022

Keywords: Remote Sensing; RSD; Emissions; Hager Environment & Atmospheric Technologies; HEAT


Keywords: Remote Sensing; RSD; Emissions; Opus Inspection; evaporative emissions

CRC Project E-119-3 DU ON-ROAD REMOTE SENSING OF AUTOMOBILE EMISSIONS IN THE PHOENIX AREA: Spring 2021 Written by Denver University, April 2022

Keywords: Remote Sensing; RSD; Emissions;  Denver University; ; FEAT;  DU; evaporative emissions

CRC Project E-119-3a REMOTE SENSING DEVICE (RSD) STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Written by Charles Blanchard, April 2023

Keywords: Remote Sensing; RSD; Emissions; Charles Blanchard; Statistical Analysis; PM; Denver University; Opus Inspection; Hager Environment & Atmospheric Technologies; HEAT; FEAT;  DU; On-road PEMS;   evaporative emissions


Keywords: Remote Sensing; RSD; Emissions; Revecorp; PM; Denver University; Opus Inspection; Hager Environment & Atmospheric Technologies;  FEAT; DU; On-road PEMS; HEAT; OPUS; Evaporative Emissions; PM Emissions


April 27, 2023 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project No. E-133

Fuel Effects of Particulate Matter Index, Vapor Pressure, and Ethanol Content on Vehicle Emissions


Keywords: Fuel Effects, Emissions, SwRI, chassis dynamometer testing, Particulate Matter Index (PMI),  Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP)


April 10, 2023 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project No. AVFL-36 / CM-137-19-1

Impact of MON on Engine Performance

Keywords: FEV, Research Octane Number (RON), Motor Octane Number (MON), Cooperative Fuels Research (CFR) engine, Spark Ignition (SI), unleaded gasoline, knock



March 17, 2023 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Performance, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants performance published-report
CRC Project No. AVFL-34

Detailed Compositional Comparison of Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil with Several Diesel Fuels and Their Effects on Engine-out Emissions

Keywords: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, CanmetENERGY, Canada, Vegetable oils, Diesel fuels, Cetane, Test procedures, Diesel exhaust emissions, Emissions measurement, Spectroscopy, Particulate matter (PM)

This manuscript available online by SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants here .


February 10, 2023 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Project No. E-122-2


Keywords: Portable Emission Measurement System (PEMS), RVP, Emissions, SwRI, chassis dynamometer testing, Particulate Matter Index (PMI),  Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP)


January 25, 2023 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project No. A-129

Observation-Based Quantification of Background Contributions to Maximum US O3 Concentrations

Executive Summary

Keywords: Volatile Organic Compound, ozone, Ozone Design Values, National Ambient Air Quality Standard, Los Angeles-South Coast Air Basin 

Manuscripts Pending


January 18, 2023 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project No. A-113

The Influence of NOx on SOA and Ozone Formation

Keywords: University of California, Riverside, secondary organic aerosol, volatile organic compound, ozone, aromatic, poly-aromatic and biogenic monoterpene.

January 18, 2023 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project No. AV-18-19

The Quality of Aviation Fuel Available in the United Kingdom – Annual Survey 2016-2017

Keywords: Energy Institute, EI, AVTUR, Jet A-1 specification properties, aviation fuels, survey


January 17, 2023 Aviation, Published Report aviation published-report
CRC Project No. AV-18-18

The Quality of Aviation Fuel Available in the United Kingdom – Annual Survey 2015

Keywords: Energy Institute, EI, AVTUR, Jet A-1 specification properties, aviation fuels, survey


November 30, 2022 Aviation, Published Report aviation published-report
CRC Project No. E-129-2

Alternative Oxygenate Effects on Emissions

Keywords: Particulate Matter (PM) emissions ;  Emissions; oxygenates; 


November 4, 2022 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project No. E-136

 Engine, Aftertreatment, and Fuel Quality Achievements to Lower Gasoline Vehicle PM Emissions: Literature Review and Future Prospects

A Journal Article has been published in the March 2023 edition of Science of the Total Environment

Science of the Total Environment, Vol 866, M. Matti Maricq, Engine, Aftertreatment, and Fuel Quality Achievements to Lower Gasoline Vehicle PM Emissions: Literature Review and Future Prospects, Copyright 2022, with permission from Elsevier

Keywords:  Literature Review; Engine Aftertreatment;  Emissions


October 21, 2022 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project No. A-121-1 and 2

Measurement of Volatile Chemical Products (VCPs) in Los Angeles and Biogenic vs. Anthropogenic VOC Analysis During Peak Ozone Events in the SoCAB  

Keywords: University of California, Davis, secondary organic aerosol, volatile organic compound, ozone, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzenes and xylene

October 6, 2022 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project No. AVFL-28-3

Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) Engine Wear Test Development

Keywords:  Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), Surface Layer Activated (SLA), port fuel injection (PFI), gasoline direct injection (GDI), ASTM, ILSAC, ACEA


September 21, 2022 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Project No. CM-138-20

Development of Automated Driveability Rating System Using Trick Car and User’s Guide

Keywords:  driveability, rating, trick car, users guide, ADRS


August 24, 2022 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Project No. E-119-3 HEAT


Keywords:  Hager Environment & Atmospheric Technologies; HEAT; RSD; Remote Sensing; Emissions


August 4, 2022 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project No. E-119-3 OPUS


Keywords:  Opus Inspection; RSD; Remote Sensing; Emissions


August 4, 2022 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project No. AVFL-37

Thermal and Electrical Properties of Lubricants for HEV/EV Applications

Sample Data


Keywords:  Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), Thermal Conductivity, Viscosity, Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV), Electric Vehicle (EV)


May 24, 2022 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Project No. E-119-3 DU


Keywords:  Denver University; RSD; Remote Sensing; Emissions


April 21, 2022 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project No. AV-27-18

Measurement of Aviation Fuel Properties Relevant for the Estimation of V/L Ratio Parameter Calculation

The limited distribution/export controlled ITAR version of this final report (related to CRC Project AV-27-18) is now available online from the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) at: 

Users must login and then should search for the report accession number: AD1183502


Keywords:  UDRI, V/L Ratio Parameter, vapor-liquid ratio, gas solubility, fuel property data


March 8, 2022 Aviation, Published Report aviation published-report
CRC Project No. A-126

Ability of Models to Reproduce the Observed Changes in Ozone in the SoCAB due to Emissions Reductions from COVID-19

Keywords:  Ramboll, COVID-19, Ozone, Emissions, CMAQ, MDA8, NOx


March 4, 2022 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project No. AVFL-29-2

Effect of Detailed Hydrocarbon Analysis (DHA) Development on Particulate Matter Index (PMI) Variability



Keywords:  Desert Research Institute (DRI), Detailed Hydrocarbon Analysis (DHA), Particulate Matter Index (PMI), Fuel Injection, Paraffins, Iso-paraffins, Olefins, Naphthenes, Aromatics


January 27, 2022 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Report No. 675 (CRC Project DP-06-20)


January 21, 2022 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Report No. 367 (CRC Project CM-26-58)


January 13, 2022 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Project No. AV-29-20


December 17, 2021 Aviation, Published Report aviation published-report
CRC Project No. RW-118

Re-locating the FEAT Data Repository to the University of Denver Library 


Keywords: University of Denver, FEAT emissions data

November 17, 2021 Announcements, Emissions, Published Report announcements emissions published-report
CRC Project No. E-130

Vehicle Emissions and Air Quality: The Early Years (1940s–1950s). Atmosphere 2021, 12(10), 1354

This journal article is an interim output of CRC Project E-130.

November 15, 2021 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report RW-117



November 9, 2021 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report RW-115

E15 Fuel Survey: January and July 2020


October 21, 2021 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project No. CM-138-19

Development of a Revised Engine Based Test for Determining the Effect of Spark Ignition Fuel Properties on Combustion and Vehicle Driveability

Keywords:  FEV, Driveability, Spark Ignition Fuel Properties, driveability index, all-weather chassis dynamometer

October 4, 2021 Announcements, Performance, Published Report announcements performance published-report
CRC Project No. A-120

Empirical Analysis of Historical Air Quality and Emissions Information to Develop Observationally Based Models of Ozone-VOC-NOx Relationships in Southern California

Report Appendix

Keywords:  Georgia Tech, Chemical Transport Models (CTMs), NOx, VOC, isopleths, Ozone Design Values (ODVs), CMAQ

September 23, 2021 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project DP-07-16-01

Identification of Potential Parameters Causing Corrosion of Metallic Components in Diesel Fuel Underground Storage Tanks

Keywords: Underground Storage Tank (UST), Low-Sulfur Diesel (LSD), Ultra-Low-Sulfur Diesel (ULSD), Diesel fuel, Biodiesel, Corrosion

July 30, 2021 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Project No. E-123 Chicago 2020


June 30, 2021 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project CM-136-18-2

Investigation of Sulfate Salt Solubilities in Ethanol and Gasoline-Ethanol Blends

Keywords: Desert Research Institute, DRI,  sulfate, salt solubilities, ethanol, fuel filter plugging, fuel injector deposit formation, sulfate salts, ammonium, calcium, potassium, sodium.

June 21, 2021 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Project No. AV-25-16

Fuel and Water Characterization in Support of the CRC Panel on Engine Component Deposits

Appendix II – Bulk Hydrocarbon Database – AV-25-16 


Keywords: engine component deposits, water-soluble deposits, survey, QCM, UDRI, ASTM D7739, ASTM D3241. 

June 17, 2021 Aviation, Published Report aviation published-report
CRC Project No. AVFL-35

Advanced Combustion Literature Survey 


Keywords:  Southwest Research Institute, Internal Combustion (IC), Sparked Ignited (SI), Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI), Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition (RCCI), Low temperature combustion (LTC) Gasoline Compression Ignition (GCI), Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI), 


May 19, 2021 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Project No. AVFL-32

Effects of Knock Intensity Measurement Technique and Fuel Chemical Composition on the Research Octane Number (RON) of FACE Gasolines: Part 1 – Lambda and Knock Characterization

Keywords: RON, CFR engine, Lambda, Octane index, CRC FACE fuels, Knock intensity

Manuscript available online by Fuel Journal here.


Effects of Knock Intensity Measurement Technique and Fuel Chemical Composition on the Research Octane Number (RON) of FACE Gasolines: Part 2 – Effects of Spark Timing

Keywords: RON, Knock-limited spark advance, Lambda effects, Knock characterization

Manuscript will be available online by Fuel Journal here.


May 5, 2021 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Project No. RW-107-2

An Improved Index for Particulate Matter Emissions (PME)

Supplementary Material – DHA Reference 

Supplementary Material to Appendix A –  MASTER LIST FOR HYDROCARBON COMPOUNDS


Keywords: Particulate Matter Emissions, PMI, DHA

March 31, 2021 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project No. E-127-1


Supplementary Material to Appendix C –   DHA and D86 Files 

Supplementary Material to Appendix D – Combined DHA Master File


Keywords: Emissions, DHA

March 15, 2021 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project No. A-124

Evaluation of O3 Patterns and Trends in 8 Major Metropolitan Areas in the U.S.

Keywords: University of Washington, U.S. National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS), Maximum Daily 8-hour Average (MDA8), Generalized Additive Modeling (GAM), Combined Statistical Area (CSA), O3 Design Value (ODV)

March 3, 2021 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project No. A-123

Uncertainty in Ozone Changes from Control Strategy Implementation

Keywords: Ramboll, Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emissions, Comprehensive Air Quality Model with Extensions (CAMx), Relative Reduction Factors (RRFs) 

Manuscript available online by Atmospheric Environment here 


February 2, 2021 Announcements, Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report announcements atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project No. AV-26-17

Development of Industry Reference Fluids for ASTM D3241 Testing

Keywords: ASTM D3241, Reference Fluids, ASTM, Thermal stability of aviation turbine fuel, carbonaceous deposits, thermal stability reference fluid

December 9, 2020 Aviation, Published Report aviation published-report
CRC Project No. AVFL-20a

Potential Impacts of High-Octane Fuel Introduction in a Naturally Aspirated, Port Fuel-Injected Legacy Vehicle

Keywords: ORNL, compression ratio (CR), brake mean effective pressure (BMEP), Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule (UDDS), Highway Fuel Economy Test (HWFET)


ISSN: 0148-7191, e-ISSN: 2688-3627
Published November 20, 2020 by SAE International in United States

December 2, 2020 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Project No. E-131

Study of Capabilities and Limitations of Vehicle Telematics Data for Emission Inventories

Journal Article published in Journal of Transportation Research Board October 2021


Keywords: Emissions, Telematics

November 9, 2020 Announcements, Emissions, Published Report announcements emissions published-report
CRC Project No. AVFL-27-2

Improved Method for the Measurement of Full and Partial Heat of Vaporization of Gasoline and Ethanol/Gasoline Blends

Executive Summary

Keywords: NREL, Heat of Vaporization (HOV), compression-ratio direct injection engines, Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC), Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), Detailed Hydrocarbon Analysis (DHA).



Manuscript available online by SAE International here

September 11, 2020 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Project No. AVFL-26

Future Gasoline Engine Technologies and High Octane Fuels for Reducing Fuel Consumption and GHG Emissions, Parts A & B


Keywords: IAV, ORNL, Autonomie modeling,  increased compression ratio (CR), Highway Fuel Economy Test, exhaust gas recirculation (EGR), research octane number (RON)


August 18, 2020 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Project No. E-123 Denver 2019


June 30, 2020 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project No. A-108

Database for the Kinetics of the Gas-Phase Atmospheric Reactions of Organic Compounds

Keywords: NCAR, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Structure -Activity Relationship (SAR), atmospheric chemical kinetic data evaluation

June 3, 2020 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project No. E-123-4 Inspection and Maintenance Evaluation using Historical U.S. Remote Sensing Measurements

Revisit Inspection and Maintenance Evaluation using Historical U.S. Remote Sensing Measurements

June 1, 2020 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project CM-138-18-1

CRC Driveability Workshop

Keywords: Southwest Research Institute, SwRI,  driveability, trainer workshop

May 1, 2020 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Report No. 674

E15 Fuel Survey: July 2019

Data File

Also known as CRC Project RW-115

April 24, 2020 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Project No. E-123 Tulsa 2019


April 14, 2020 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project CM-138-15-2

Development of an Engine Based Test
for Determining the Effect of Spark
Ignition Fuel Properties on Combustion
and Vehicle Driveability

Keywords: Spark Ignition; Vehicle Driveability; Combustion; FEV; Spark Ignition Engine; Cold-Start Driveability



March 31, 2020 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Project A-119

High-Resolution Inventory Data Extractor and Source Apportionments Regrouping Tool Developments

Keywords: University of North Carolina, Source Apportionment (SA), SMOKE Inventory, National Emissions Inventory (NEI), Multi-Jurisdictional Organizations (MJO), Chemical Transport Models (CTM), Emissions Modeling Platforms (EMP).


CRC Project A-119 Data Files

March 13, 2020 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project No. E-99-2

Very Low PM Mass Measurements Phase 2: Evaluation of Partial Flow Dilution Executive Summary

Journal Article: Evaluation of Partial Flow Dilution Systems for Very Low PM Mass Measurements – Published November 2018

Journal Article: Impacts of Exhaust Transfer System Contamination on Particulate Matter Measurements – Published February 2020

February 28, 2020 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project A-118

Role of Meteorology, Emissions and Smoke on O3 in the South Coast Air Basins

Keywords: University of Washington, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Total Organic Gases (TOGs), O3 Design Value (ODV), Reactive Organic Gases (ROGs), Generalized Additive Models (GAMs), Daily Max Temperature (DMT), Emission Inventory (EI), National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS).   


January 13, 2020 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project No. E-124

Revisit Lynwood, CA: On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the Lynwood, CA: 2018

December 15, 2019 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project A-107

Atmospheric Impacts of VOC Emissions: Formation Yields of Organic Nitrates in Reactions of Organic Peroxy Radicals with NO

Keywords: University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), volatile organic compounds (VOC), nitrogen oxide (NOx), alkane chemistry, organic nitrates, Front Range Air Pollution and Photochemistry Éxperiment (FRAPPÉ)


December 2, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project AVFL-28 Phase II

Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) Engine Wear Test Development

Keywords: Southwest Research Institute, SwRI, Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) Engine, Ecoboost engine, Port Fuel Injection (PFI) engine


October 22, 2019 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Project DP-04-17

CRC Internal Diesel Injector Deposit (IDID) Test:Hardware, Fuel, and Additive Evaluations


Keywords: Southwest Research Institute, SwRI,  IDID test system, Internal Diesel Injector Deposit (IDID) Test, Variable Angle Spectroscopic Ellipsometer (VASE),  pintle deposits,  injector deposit test rig,  Deposit Measurement

September 9, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Project E-117

Combustion and Engine-Out Emissions Characteristics of a Light Duty Vehicle Operating on a Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil Renewable Diesel

*This report has been revised from the original posting.

Keywords: UC Riverside, CE-CERT, engine-out emissions and combustion characteristics, Hydrogenated vegetable oil (HVO),  Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD),  total hydrocarbons (THC), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), particulate matter (PM), soot mass, solid particle number (SPN)

July 30, 2019 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project E-123

On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the Chicago Area: Fall 2018

Keywords: University of Denver, Remote Sensing Device (RSD), Vehicle Emissions Trends, On-Road Measurement, FEAT

June 26, 2019 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project CM-137-17-1

Review of Low-Speed Pre-Ignition Literature

Keywords: FEV, Low Speed Pre-Ignition (LSPI), combustion engines, Direct-injected boosted gasoline engines, literature review, Stochastic Pre-Ignition (SPI), Mega Knock (MK), Super Knock (SK)

June 18, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Project No. AVFL-18a

Energy & Fuels Journal Article

Erratum to the AVFL-18a Energy & Fuels Journal Article

GCxGC Studies of Palette Compounds – CanmetEnergy Internal Report for AVFL-18a

NIST Paper on Selected Surrogate Fuel Properties

Autoignition of CRC diesel surrogates at low temperature combustion conditions: Rapid compression machine experiments and modeling

Development of a diesel surrogate for improved autoignition prediction: Methodology and detailed chemical kinetic modeling

June 12, 2019 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Project No. E-129

Alternative Oxygenate Effects on Emissions

Keywords: SGS Transportation, Spark Ignition Direct Injection (SIDI); LA92 Unified Cycle; tailpipe emissions; PM Emissions, Oxygenated fuel effects

May 28, 2019 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report: E-77-2b

Evaporative Emissions Breakdown Including Permeation Effects and Diurnal Emissions on Aging Advanced Evaporative Emissions Certified Vehicles

May 24, 2019 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project No. A-43a

Analysis of Weekday/Weekend Differences in Ambient Particulate Nitrate Concentrations and Formation in Southern California

Part 1

Part 2

May 24, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project A-87

Volume 1 AE Journal Article

May 24, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project A-78

The Mechanisms of Reactions Influencing Atmospheric Ozone

May 24, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project A-76-3 JAWMA Journal Link

Source Apportionment of Emissions from Light-Duty Gasoline Vehicles 
and Other Sources in the United States for Ozone and Particulate Matter

May 24, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project No. A-88 Task 1 Memo

Evaluation of Data sources for Improving NEI Inputs

Truck Stop Database Memo

Truck Stop Database

May 24, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project E-98/A-80

Exhaust Emissions of Average Fuel Composition


May 23, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project CM-118-01

A Vehicle Tank Fuel Flush Effectiveness Evaluation Program

May 23, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Report No. 630

Combustion Chamber Deposit Research Tool Development Part 1 – Vehicle Deposits and Emissions

May 23, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Report No. 638

2003 CRC Intermediate-Temperature Volatility Program

May 23, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Report No. 640

2001 CRC Hot-Fuel-Handling Program Follow-Up Study

May 23, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Report No. 646

Port Fuel Injector Fouling using the PFI Bench Rig – Evaluation of Florida Gasoline, OEM Injectors, and Deposit Control Additives

May 23, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Report No. 645

2005 CRC Hybrid Driveability Workshop

May 23, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Report No. 644

Combustion Chamber Deposit Research Tool Development, Part 2 Engine Dynamometer Testing

May 23, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Report No. 643

Critique of and Recommendations for the CRC Octane Acceleration Technique

May 23, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Report No. 648

2006 CRC Hot-Fuel-Handling Program

May 23, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Report No. 650

Biodiesel Blend Low-Temperature Performance Validation CRC Project: DP-2a-07 June 2008

May 23, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Report No. 652

2008 CRC COld-Start and Warmup E85 and E15/E20 Driveability Program

May 23, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Report No. 653

Silver Fuel Level Sensor Corrosion Program

May 23, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Report No. 655

Diesel Fuel Lubricity Requirements for LDD Vehicles June 2009

May 23, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Report No. 654

2008 CRC Cold-Start and Warmup E85 Cold Ambient Temperature Driveability Program July 2009

May 23, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Report No. 656

Biodiesel Blend Low-Temperature Performance Validation June 2010

May 23, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Report No. 658

2009-2010 CRC/ASTM Hot-Fuel-Handling Program
(For Classes D-4 and E-5 Gasoline) October 2010

May 23, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Report No. 659

2010 CRC Altitude Hot-Fuel-Handling Program

May 23, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Report No. 660

Fuel Antiknock Quality-Engine Response to RON versus MON – Scoping Tests

May 23, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Report No. 661

Mathematical Prediction of Flammability of Ethanol-Containing Fuels August 2011

May 23, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Report No. CM-137-11-1

Review to Determine the Benefits of Increasing Octane Number on Gasoline Engine Efficiency: Task 1

May 23, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Report No. CM-136-09-1B

Intermediate-Level Ethanol Blends Engine Durability Study

May 23, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Report No. DP-04

Scoping Study to Evaluate Two Rig Tests for Internal Injector Sticking

May 23, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Report CM-137-11-1b

Review to Determine the Benefits of Increasing Octane Number on Gasoline Engine Efficiency: Analysis and Recommendations – Tasks 2-5

May 23, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Project No. DP-04-13b

Internal Injector Deposits: A Scoping Study to Evaluate the Delphi Test Rig

May 23, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Report No. 666

2013 CRC Intermediate-Temperature E15 Cold-Start and Warm-Up Vehicle Driveability Program

May 23, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Project No. DP-04-13 a (CRC Report No. 665)

Internal Diesel Injector Deposits

May 23, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Project PC-2-12

Natural Gas Vehicle Fuel Survey

Station Photographs

May 23, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Project No. DP-07-13

ULSD Corrosion Study Screening Criteria for Site Selection (1 July 2014)

May 23, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Report No. 667

Diesel Fuel Storage and Handling Guide

May 23, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Report No. 668

2014 CRC Hot-Fuel-Handling Program

May 23, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Project No. CM-138-13


May 23, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Project DP-04-10

Internal Injector Deposits; Correlation of the Delphi Test Rig with Production Engines

May 23, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Report No. 670

The Effect of Biodiesel Impurities on Wax Settling in Low Temperature Light-Duty Diesel Vehicles CRC Project: DP-05-12

May 23, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Project No. CM-138-15-1

Development of a Thermodynamics- Based Fundamental Model for Prediction of Gasoline/Ethanol Blend Properties and Vehicle Driveability

May 23, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Report No. 672

Preventive Maintenance Guide for Diesel Storage and Dispensing Systems

May 23, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Report No. 671

Diesel Fuel Low Temperature Operability Guide (DP-2-15)

May 23, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Project CM-138-16-1

Literature Review and OEM/Test House Interviews on Alternatives for Determining Demerits of Vehicle Performance

May 23, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Project CM-136-15-1

Investigation into Filter Plugging Due to Sulfate Salt Contamination of Ethanol, Gasoline, and Gasoline-Ethanol Blends

May 23, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Project DP-08-18 (CRC Report No. 673)

Renewable Hydrocarbon Diesel Fuel Properties and Performance Review

May 23, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Project No. CM-138-17-1

Computer Controlled Poor Driveability on Demand Training Vehicle

May 23, 2019 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Report: ACES Phase 1

Phase 1 of the Advanced Collaborative Emissions Study

Final ACES Phase 1 Database

May 23, 2019 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report E-7a-3

Evaluation of New Mixed Oxides for Use as Sulfur Tolerant Exhaust Gas Catalysts – Second Annual Report (Posted 1/22/01)

May 22, 2019 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report No. E-53

Weekend/Weekday Ozone Observations in the South Coast Air Basin: Volume I: Executive Summary Volume II: Analysis of Air Quality Data

May 22, 2019 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report No. E-64

Validation of the US EPA MOBILE6 Highway Vehicle Emission Factor Model Task 1 On-Road Tunnel Studies

May 22, 2019 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report No. E-61

Impact of Engine Oil Properties on Emissions

May 22, 2019 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report No. E-43

Diesel Aerosol Sampling Methodology

E-43 Overview and Postmortem

May 22, 2019 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report No. E-60

The Effect of Fuel Sulfur on NH3 and Other Emissions from 2000-2001 Model Year Vehicles

May 22, 2019 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report No. E-37 Executive Summary

Evaluation of the Effects of Air Conditioning Operation and Associated Environmental Conditions on Vehicle Emissions and Fuel Economy (A CD of background reports is available from CRC. Please contact Betty Carter.)

May 22, 2019 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report No. E-55-3

Medium Heavy-Duty Truck Test Cycle Evaluation

May 22, 2019 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report No. E-68

Analysis of EPA’s Draft Plan for Emissions Modeling in MOVES and MOVES GHG

May 22, 2019 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report No. E-65

Fuel Permeation from Automotive Systems (A CD containing data and details of the program is available from CRC upon request. Please contact Betty Carter.)

May 22, 2019 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report No. E-74a

Examination of Temperature and RVP Effects on CO Emissions in EPA’s Certification Database

May 22, 2019 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report No. E-72

Consumer Response to MIL Illumination

May 22, 2019 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report: No. A-74/E-96 Phases 1-3

Linking Tailpipe to Ambient Executive Summary

Database: On-Road Vehicle Emissions Data

Database: On-Road Vehicle Fleet

Database: POA Gas-Particle Partitioning Data

Database: Small Off-Road Engine Data

Database: SOA Data

May 22, 2019 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report No. 632

Water Separation Methods Study

May 22, 2019 Aviation, Published Report aviation published-report
CRC Report No. 639

Jet Fuel Contamination with Diesel Fuel Dyes

May 22, 2019 Aviation, Published Report aviation published-report
CRC Report No. 642

Investigation of Pipeline Drag Reducers in Aviation Turbine Fuels

May 22, 2019 Aviation, Published Report aviation published-report
CRC Report AV-2-04

Development of the Protocol for Acceptance of Synthetic FUels Under Commercial Specification

May 22, 2019 Aviation, Published Report aviation published-report
CRC Report AV-04-04

Sensors to Measure Particulates and Dirt in Fuel Delivery Systems: OEM Survey, Practices and Requirements

May 22, 2019 Aviation, Published Report aviation published-report
Executive Summary CRC

Research Results-Unleaded High Octane Aviation Gasoline

May 22, 2019 Aviation, Published Report aviation published-report
CRC Report AV-2-04a

Comparative Evaluation of Semi-Synthetic Jet Fuels

May 22, 2019 Aviation, Published Report aviation published-report
CRC Report AV-1-04

Survey of Sulfur Levels in Commercial Jet Fuel

May 21, 2019 Aviation, Published Report aviation published-report
CRC Report AV-7-07

Research Results Unleaded High Octane Aviation Gasoline (Note: large file ~11mb)

May 21, 2019 Aviation, Published Report aviation published-report
CRC Report AV-6-06

Metal Deactivator Additive (MDA) Impacts on Thermal Stability

May 21, 2019 Aviation, Published Report aviation published-report
CRC Report No. 657

Revised May 2011 Investigation of Reduced TEL Content in Commercial 100LL AVGAS (CRC Project CA-67-2010)

May 21, 2019 Aviation, Published Report aviation published-report
CRC Report AV-11-09

Develop an Aviation Fuel Cold Flowability Test to Replace Freezing Point Measurement

May 21, 2019 Aviation, Published Report aviation published-report
CRC Report AV-09-09

Initial Development of an Advanced Test Method for Jet Fuel Identification and Characterization, Phase 1

May 21, 2019 Aviation, Published Report aviation published-report
CRC Report AV-03-04

Diesel Lubricity Additive Effect on Jet Fuel Thermal Oxidative Stability with Supplementary Information on Fatty Acid Methyl Ester and Jet Engine Nozzle Performance

May 21, 2019 Aviation, Published Report aviation published-report
CRC Report AV-12-10

Properties of Russian Jet Fuels

May 21, 2019 Aviation, Published Report aviation published-report
CRC Report AV-10-09

Jet Fuel “Aromatics Effects” and “Distillation Slope” Research Survey

May 21, 2019 Aviation, Published Report aviation published-report
CRC Report AV-01-10

Update of the Survey of Sulfur Levels in Commercial Jet Fuel

May 21, 2019 Aviation, Published Report aviation published-report
CRC Report AV-16-11

Studies of Scanning Brookfield Viscometry as a Replacement for Freezing Point in Aviation Fuel Specifications

May 21, 2019 Aviation, Published Report aviation published-report
CRC Report AV-14-11

Aviation Turbine Fuel Lubricity – A Review

May 21, 2019 Aviation, Published Report aviation published-report
CRC Report AV-18-14

The quality of aviation fuel available in the United Kingdom – Annual surveys 2009 to 2013

May 21, 2019 Aviation, Published Report aviation published-report
CRC Report No. AV-17-13

Carburetor Ice Test Methodology Evaluation

May 21, 2019 Aviation, Published Report aviation published-report
CRC Project No. AV-19-14

Alternative Aviation Fuels – Water Solubility & Demulsibility Impact Executive Summary

Journal Article

May 21, 2019 Aviation, Published Report aviation published-report
CRC Project No. AV-22-15

Charge generation and dissipation in aviation fuel handling with filter monitors

May 21, 2019 Aviation, Published Report aviation published-report
CRC Project AV-23-15/17

Review of Existing Test Methods Used for Aviation Jet Fuel and Additive Property Evaluations with Respect to Alternative Fuel Compositions

May 21, 2019 Aviation, Published Report aviation published-report
CRC Report A-23

Contribution of Biogenic Emissions to the Formation of Ozone and Particulate Matter:Modeling Studies in the Nashville, TN and NE Domains Phase 2 Report

May 21, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. A-29

Source Sensitivity and Source Attribution of Ozone-Executive Summary

Paper 1: The Decoupled Direct Method for Sensitivity Analysis in a Three-Dimensional Air Quality Model-Implementation, Accuracy, and Efficiency

Paper 2:  A Comparison of Souce Apportionment and Source Sensitivity of Ozone in a Three-Dimensional Air Quality ModelL

May 21, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. A-39

Improvement of Numerical Solutions for Aerosol Condensation Equations

May 21, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. A-28

Evaluation of a Meteorological Model for Inter-Regional Transport

May 21, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. A-37-1

Evaluation of Probing Tools Implemented in CAMx

May 21, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. A-42-1

Air Toxics Modeling

May 21, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. A-12

A Numerical and Analytical Investigation of Meteorological Characteristics Over the Northeastern United States During Episodes of Poor Air Quality

May 21, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. A-38

(8.36 MB) Impact of Updates to On-Road Mobile Sources Emission Factor Models (EMFAC) for the Los Angeles Region: Ozone Model Sensitivity and Ambient/Inventory Reconciliation

May 21, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. A-41

A Study of the Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation Potentials of Important Compounds in the Atmosphere

May 21, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. A-40-1

Performance Evaluation of CMAQ and PM-CAMx for the July 1999 SOS Episode

May 21, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. A-48

(updated from Aug. 9, 2004 version) Exploratory Data Analysis of Benzene and 1,3-Butadiene Measurements for Air Toxics Risk Assessment in Houston

May 21, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. A-46

Improving Fine Grid Meteorological Simulations for Air Quality Applications

May 21, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. A-44

Performance Evaluation of Four Air Quality Models Applied for an Annual Simulation of PM Over the Western United States

May 21, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. A-47

Weekday/Weekend Differences in Ambient Ozone and Particulate Matter Concentrations in Atlanta and the Southeastern United States

May 21, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. A-40-2

Application of CAMx and CMAQ Models to the August-September, 1997 SCOS Episode

May 21, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. A-54

Influence of Inter-Continental Transport on Background O3 and PM Concentrations in the United States: Final Report – Phase 1

May 21, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. A-46, Phase 2

(Large file ~14mb) Improving Fine Grid Meteorological Simulations for Air Quality Applications

May 21, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. A-59

Investigative Modeling of New Pathways for Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation

May 21, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. A-51a/b

Implementing the Decoupled Direct Method for Sensitivity Analysis in a Particulate Matter Air Quality Model

May 20, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. A-55

Implementation of the Trajectory-Grid Advection Algorithm in CMAQ

May 20, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. A-54-2

Trends in Western O3 and PM and Their Relationship to Fires and Meteorological Variables

May 20, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. A-57

Analysis of Particulate Nitrate and Black Carbon Time Series

May 20, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report A-63

Speed Enhancements for CAMx Probing Tools

May 20, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report A-61

Feasibility of Using Satellite Data in Air Quality Modeling

May 20, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report A-56

Modeling Weekday/Weekend Emissions and Ozone in the Los Angeles Basin for 1997 and 2010

May 20, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. A-66

Current Understanding of Ultra Fine Particulate Matter Emitted from Mobile Sources

May 20, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. A-60

Organic Aerosol Spatial/Temporal Patterns:

Perspectives of Measurements and Model

May 20, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. A-70

Trajectory Grid Transport Algorithm in CMAQ

May 20, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. A-64

Evaluation of CAMx Probing Tools for Particulate Matter

For User’s Guide, contact Jan Tucker

May 20, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. A-65

Accuracy of Regional Simulations of Background Ozone and Particulate Matter

May 20, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. A-67

Model Suite to Estimate Ozone and PM from fuel Reformulation

May 20, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. A-69-1

Regional Modeling of Weekday/Weekend Ozone Changes in the Midwestern US

May 20, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. A-75-2

Modeling Europe with CAMx for Phase II of the Air Quality Model Evaluation International Initiative (AQMEII)

Atmospheric Environment Journal Link for A-75

May 20, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. A-75-1

Modeling Europe with CAMx for Phase I of the Air Quality Model Evaluation International Initiative (AQMEII)

May 20, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. A-76-1

Effects of Light-Duty Vehicle Emissions on Ozone and PM with Past, Present, and Future Controls

Atmospheric Environment Journal Link for A-76-1

May 20, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. A-79

Assessment of Near-Roadway NO2 Concentrations

May 20, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. A-76-2 Task 1

Effects of Light-Duty Vehicle Emissions on Ozone and PM with Past, Present, and Future Controls: Tier 0 versus Other Scenarios

May 20, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. A-73-1

Development of Inventory and Speciation Inputs for Representing Ethanol Blends

May 20, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project No. A-88 Task 2 Memo

Age Distribution Cars Database

Age Distribution Trucks Database

Population Database

Long Haul Short Haul Database

State County FIPS Key

May 20, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project No. A-74/E-96 Phases 1-3

Linking Tailpipe to Ambient Executive Summary

Database: On-Road Vehicle Emissions Data

Database: On-Road Vehicle Fleet

Database: POA Gas-Particle Partitioning Data

Database: Small Off-Road Engine Data

Database: SOA Data

May 20, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project A-83

Sensitivity of Atmospheric Models to Rate Terms within Complex Chemical Mechanisms

Atmospheric Environment Journal Link for A-83

May 20, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report: A-86

Low Carbon Fuel Standard Program Air Emissions Effects

May 20, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project A-88

MOVES Input Improvements for the 2011 NEI

May 20, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project A-87-2

Dynamic Evaluation of 2006-2010 Ozone Trends in AQMEII-2 North American Domain Simulations

May 20, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project A-91

Projected Ozone Trends and Changes in the Ozone-Precursor Relationship in the South Coast Air Basin in Response to Varying Reductions of Precursor Emissions

Journal of Air and Waste Management Link for A-91

May 20, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project A-85

Ozone Modeling Predictions Sensitivity to Speciation of Exhaust VOC Emissions

May 20, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project A-92

2015 Mobile Source Air Toxics Workshop Summary

May 20, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project No. A-74/E-96 Phase 4

Linking Tailpipe to Ambient Executive Summary

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Journal Link

May 20, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project No. A-97

Assessing and Improving the Isoprene Oxidation Mechanism Executive Summary

Atmospheric Environment Journal Link for A-97

May 20, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project No. A-96

PM2.5 Data Analysis and Modeling in the San Francisco Bay Area

May 20, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. AVFL-18a

Recent Progress in the Development of Diesel Surrogate Fuels

May 20, 2019 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Report No. AVFL-17a

Investigation of Biodiesel Chemistry, Carbon Footprint and Regional Fuel Quality

May 20, 2019 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Report No. AVFL-14

Collaborative Lubricating Oil Study on Emissions [CLOSE]


May 20, 2019 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Report No. AVFL-15 (CRC Report No. 662)

Durability of Automotive Fuel System Components Exposed to E20


May 20, 2019 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Report No. AVFL-16

Fuels to Enable Light-Duty Diesel Advanced Combustion Regimes

May 20, 2019 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Report No. AVFL-19-1

Detailed Characterization of the Physical and Chemical Properties of the Reformulated FACE Diesel Fuels: FD2B, FD4B, and FD7B

May 20, 2019 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Report No. AVFL-2

Operability and Compatibility Characteristics of Advanced Technology Diesel Fuels

May 20, 2019 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Project No. A-95

Modeling Inter-Continental Transport of Ozone in North America with CAMx for the Air Quality Model Evaluation International Initiative (AQMEII) Phase 3 Executive Summary

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Journal Link for A-95

May 19, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project A-102

Source-Sector Contributions to European Ozone and Fine PM in 2010 Using AQMEII Modeling Data Executive Summary

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Journal Link for A-102

May 19, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project No. A-99

Contributions to US Ozone of US, non-US and Natural Emissions Executive Summary

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Journal Link for A-99

May 19, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project A-104

8th CRC Mobile Source Air Toxics Workshop Summary Report

May 19, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project No. A-100

Improvement of Default Inputs for MOVES and SMOKE-MOVES

A-100 Database and MOVES Tool Available for Download

May 19, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project No. A-101

Air Quality Modeling of the Relationship Between Projected Ozone and PM Trends and Changes in Precursor Relationships in the South Coast Air Basin in Response to Varying Reductions of Precursor Emissions

May 19, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project No. A-110

Scoping Study for Rewrite of MOVES for Efficiency

May 19, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project No. A-115

Developing Improved Vehicle Population Inputs for the 2017 National Emissions Inventory

Please contact Betty Carter at for the CRC Project A-115 data files.

May 17, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. AVFL-19-2

Advanced Alternative and Renewable Diesel Fuels: Detailed Characterization of Physical and Chemical Properties

May 17, 2019 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Project No. AVFL-24

FACE Gasolines and Blends with Ethanol: Detailed Characterization of Physical and Chemical Properties

May 17, 2019 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Project No. AVFL-17b

Biodiesel and Renewable Diesel Characterization and Testing in Modern LD Diesel Passenger Cars and Trucks

May 17, 2019 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Project No. AVFL-19a

Detailed Characterization of Physical and Chemical Properties of Cellulosic Gasoline and Cellulosic Gasoline Stocks

May 17, 2019 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Project No. AVFL-23

Data Mining of FACE Diesel Engine Fuels

May 17, 2019 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Project No. AVFL-17c

Thermal and Oxidative Instability in Biodiesel Blends During Vehicle Use and Onboard Fuel Storage

May 17, 2019 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Project No. AVFL-27

Heat of Vaporization Measurements of Gasoline and Ethanol Blends Phase 1, Parts A & B

May 17, 2019 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Project No. AVFL-20

Effects of Octane Number, Sensitivity, Ethanol Content, and Engine Compression Ratio on GTDI Engine Efficiency, Fuel Economy, and CO2 Emissions

May 17, 2019 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Project No. A-111

Improving West Coast Ozone Boundary Conditions for Regional Air Quality Models


Keywords: Ramboll, Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD), Community Multi-scale Air Quality (CMAQ), ozone boundary condition (BC), Model of Ozone and Related Tracers (MOZART), National Center of Atmospheric Research (NCAR)

April 23, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project No. AV-20-14

Determination of Heat of Vaporization and Creating Enthalpy Diagrams for Several Common Jet Fuels


Keywords: University of Delaware, Heat of vaporization (HOV), Jet A, Jet A-1, Enthalpy Diagrams,  high-pressure differential scanning calorimeter (HPDSC),  CRC Aviation Fuel Properties Handbook,  Heatflow integral,  HOV analysis,  Micropipette

April 21, 2019 Aviation, Published Report aviation published-report
CRC Project No. RW-107

Assessment of the Relative Accuracy of the PM Index and Related Methods

Keywords: Rincon Ranch Consulting, Trinity Consultants, Inc., Spark Ignition Direct Injection (SIDI); Particulate Matter (PM) emissions; PM indices; PMI, Detailed Hydrocarbon Analysis, DHA, OESI, PEI

April 15, 2019 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project A-117

9th CRC Mobile Source Air Toxics Workshop
Summary Report

February 4, 2019 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project No. CM-138-16-2

Comparison of Ambient Temperatures from ‘Doner Report’ to Modern Day Ambient Temperatures for the Same Geographic Areas

Keywords: Desert Research Institute, DRI, ASTM International (ASTM), Doner, volatility, Parameter Regression on Independent Slopes Model (PRISM),  John P. Doner,  temperature differences,  inverse distance weighting (IDW) method,  U.S. gasoline volatility specifications,  Gasoline volatility specifications, ambient temperatures

CRC Project CM-138-16-2 – Final Report

CRC Project CM-138-16-2 – Corrections to final report January 2020

Appendix I

Appendix II

Appendix III

Appendix IV

Appendix V

Appendix VI

December 4, 2018 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Project No. A-112

Relative Reduction Factors Using Anthropogenic Ozone Increments Executive Summary

Keywords: Ramboll, Relative Reduction Factors (RRFs), State Implementation Plans (SIPs), National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS),  Design Value (DV),  Future-Year Design Value (DVF), ozone

Journal Article

October 23, 2018 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project No. AVFL-18a-1

Autoignition Study of CRC Diesel Surrogates in a Rapid Compression Machine

Keywords: University of Connecticut, Low Temperature Combustion (LTC), Rapid Compression Machine (RCM), CFA#2 diesel, V0a, V0b, V1, and V2.

AVFL-18a-1 Supplemental Data

October 10, 2018 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Project No. E-119-2

Hager Environmental and Atmospheric Technologies (HEAT) and Denver University (DU) Remote Sensing Device (RSD) Data Mining

August 22, 2018 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project No. E-123 (Winter 2017)

On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the Denver Area: Winter 2017

August 22, 2018 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project E-123-3

Analyze Existing West LA Data set for On-Road Evaporative Emissions


Journal Article: Vehicle Exhaust Remote Sensing Device Method to Screen Vehicles for Evaporative Running Loss Emissions

August 15, 2018 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project No: RW-104

Literature Review to Assess the Use of Stock and Flow Models Compared to Other GHG Methodologies to Model Biofuel GHGs

June 28, 2018 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project E-94-3

Impacts of Splash-Blending on Particulate Emissions for SIDI Engines

E-94-3 Data Summary

June 26, 2018 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project No. E-122

Light Duty PEMS Validation / Chassis Dynamometer Correlation

June 6, 2018 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project No. AVFL-29

Enhanced Speciation of Gasoline

Keywords: Separation Systems, Inc. (SSI), gas chromatography, Particulate Matter Index (PMI), Hydrocarbon Expert™ / MS software, Detailed Hydrocarbon Analysis (DHA), Electron Ionization (EI), Mass Selective Detector (MSD), polydimethylsiloxane, paraffins, iso-paraffins, olefins, naphthenes and aromatics

AVFL-29 Master Database

June 1, 2018 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Project No. A-109

Air Quality Modeling of the Relationship Between Simulated PM2.5 in Response to Varying Reductions of Ammonia Emissions over the South Coast Air Basin Executive Summary

Keywords: University of Texas at El Paso, Desert Research Institute, Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), Community Multi-scale Air Quality Model (CMAQ), South Coast Air Basin (SoCAB), Particulate Matter (PM)

Journal Article

May 31, 2018 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project No. A-105

Influence of NOx on Secondary Organic Aerosol and Ozone Executive Summary

Keywords:  Ramboll, Comprehensive Air Quality model with Extensions (CAMx),  Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ),  Particulate matter (PM),  Organic Carbon (OC),  Path-Integral Method (PIM)

Journal Article

May 1, 2018 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project AV-18-17

The Quality of Aviation Fuel available in the United Kingdom Annual Survey 2014


Keywords: Intertek, Total acidity, Aromatics, Total sulfur, Mercaptan sulfur, Distillation, Flash point, Density, Freezing point, Kinematic viscosity, BOCLE, Jet A-1, Static Dissipater Additive (SDA)

April 23, 2018 Aviation, Published Report aviation published-report
CRC Project E-123-2

Evaluation of Emissions Benefits of Federal Reformulated Gasoline versus Conventional Gasoline

April 22, 2018 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project No. E-123 (Fall 2017)

On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the Tulsa Area: Fall 2017

March 29, 2018 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project No. E-99 JAS Journal Link

Very Low Particle Matter Mass Measurements from Light-Duty Vehicles

March 23, 2018 Emissions emissions published-report
CRC Project E-102-2

Review of Critical Parameters for Transportation Fuel Pathways

March 13, 2018 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project E-119a

Fall 2016 On-Road Emissions Measurements in the Chicago Area: Comparison of two University of Denver Remote Sensing Datasets

Keywords: University of Denver, Remote Sensing Device (RSD), Vehicle Emissions Trends, On-Road Measurement, FEAT, EDAR

February 21, 2018 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project No. AVFL-28

Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) Engine Wear Test Development


Keywords: Southwest Research Institute, SwRI, Surface Layer Activated (SLA) parts, port fuel injection (PFI), gasoline direct injection (GDI), ILSAC, ACEA, ASTM, Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), engine lubrication wear

January 24, 2018 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Project No. E-119

Remote Sensing of Automobiles Emissions in Rolling Meadows: Fall 2016

January 23, 2018 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project No. A-106

Evaluating the Sensitivity of MOVES2014a to Local Start Activity Data

Keywords: Eastern Research Group, Inc., ERG, Telematics Data, Global Positioning System (GPS), National Emissions Inventory (NEI), MOVES2014a, Cuebiq, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC), Particulate Matter (PM)

A-106 Supplemental Data

December 23, 2017 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project No. E-99

Very Low PM Mass Measurements Executive Summary

November 22, 2017 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project No. E-106 (Fall 2016)

On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the Chicago Area: Fall 2016

Journal Article

June 22, 2017 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project No. E-116

Assessment of MOVES Model Evaporative Emission Inputs

June 15, 2017 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project No. E-94-2

Evaluation and Investigation of Fuel Effects on Gaseous and Particulate Emissions on SIDI In-Use Vehicles

E-94-2 Data Summary

March 22, 2017 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report No. A-84

Study of MOVES Information for the National Emissions Inventory 

TRB Paper No. 14-2898

Keywords: Reduced form model, Ozone, Emissions Meteorology, Community multiscale air quality model

March 12, 2017 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project A-89

A Reduced Form Model for Ozone Based on Two Decades of CMAQ Simulations for the Continental United States

Journal Article

Keywords: Reduced form model, Ozone
Emissions, Meteorology Community multiscale air quality model

March 1, 2017 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project No. E-114-2

Effect of Metallic Additives in Market Gasoline and Diesel

November 30, 2016 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project No. E-120

Assessment of Anthropogenic and Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA) Source Apportionment

November 30, 2016 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report No. 663

Handbook of Aviation Fuel Properties 

Please contact to purchase. 

Cost: $179


September 21, 2016 Aviation, Published Report aviation published-report
CRC Project No; E-88-3b

Follow-On Study of Transportation Fuel Life Cycle Analysis: Review of Current CARB and EPA Estimates of Land Use Change (LUC) Impacts

August 22, 2016 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project No. E-101

Review of EPA’s MOVES2014 Model

August 11, 2016 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report: E-106 (Fall 2015)

On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the Tulsa Area: Fall 2015

June 22, 2016 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project No. A-89-4

Properties of an Ozone Metamodel for the Continental United States

Keywords: Porter-Gego, metamodel, Principal Component Scores (PCS), Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ), Stochastic Kriging (SK) 

June 1, 2016 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project No. A-98

A-98 Air Quality Modeling Research Needs Workshop

Atlanta, GA February 9-10, 2016

Agenda Attendee List

Introduction to Workshop

1. Randall Guensler, GA Tech

Introductions to Breakout Sessions

1. Regional Modeling
2. Secondary Modeling

3. MOVES Modeling

Regional Modeling Breakout Session

1. Rohit Mathur, US EPA

Secondary Modeling Breakout Session

1. Shaokai Gao, Phillips 66

MOVES Modeling Breakout Session

1. Megan Beardsley, US EPA

Research Needs Results

February 9, 2016 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
FACE – Fuels for Advanced Combustion Engines

CRC Fuels for Advanced Combustion Engines Working Group (FACE)

January 27, 2016 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, FACE, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants face published-report
CRC Project A-76-3 JAWMA Journal Link

Source Apportionment of Emissions from Light-Duty Gasoline Vehicles and Other Sources in the United States for Ozone and Particulate Matter

January 15, 2016 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project No. A-103

Preparing SMOKE-MOVES Inputs Using the AWS Environment

Supplemental ZIP File

November 23, 2015 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project E-114

Effects of Organometallic Additives on Gasoline Vehicles: Analysis of Existing Literature

September 4, 2015 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report No. A-34

Evaluating VOC Receptor Models Using Grid-Model Simulations

July 27, 2015 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report: E-85-3

Survey of Flex Fuel in 2014

July 22, 2015 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project A-89

Methods for reducing biases and errors in regional photochemical model outputs for use in emission reduction and exposure assessments

Keywords: Air quality modeling, Model evaluation, Bias adjustment,  Emission control strategy assessment, Attainment demonstration, Exposure assessment

July 1, 2015 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report: E-106 (Fall 2014)

On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the Chicago Area: Fall 2014

June 22, 2015 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report: E-112

Survey of Biodiesel Content at Retail Diesel Fuel Outlets in Illinois and Minnesota

May 30, 2015 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project A-90

Apportionment of Ozone Above the Background Concentration to Emissions Sources

Executive Summary

ES&T Journal Link

May 23, 2015 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report: E-109

Effect of Fuel Composition on the Emissions and Performance of Modern, Light-Duty Natural Gas Vehicles

April 28, 2015 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report No. 669 [E-108]

Vehicle Data

Effects of 85 and 87 Anti-knock Index (AKI) Gasoline Ethanol Blends on U.S. Light-Duty Vehicle Emissions, Fuel Economy, and Performance at Two Elevations (1,000 ft. and 5,000 ft.)

March 15, 2015 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report No. A-89-3

Metamodel Demonstration: Effects of Mobile Source Reductions on Ozone Trends in the Northeast US

Keywords: projection onto latent structures (PLS), stochastic kriging (SK), national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS), principal components analysis (PCA), CMAQ

March 3, 2015 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report: E-94-1a

Determination and Evaluation of New Prep Cycle on the Fuel Effects of Gaseous Emissions in SIDI In-Use Vehicles


December 29, 2014 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report: E-103

Evaluation of N20 Measurement Instruments in Light-Duty Vehicles

September 22, 2014 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report: E-88-3

Study of Transportation Fuel Life Cycle Analysis: Review of Economic Models Used to Assess Land Use Effects

July 28, 2014 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report: E-106 (Fall 2013)

On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the Tulsa Area: Fall 2013

July 22, 2014 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report No. A-76-2 Task 2

Trends in on-road vehicle emissions and ambient air quality in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, from the late 1990s through 2009

June 23, 2014 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report: E-98/A-80

Exhaust Emissions of Average Fuel Composition


June 22, 2014 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report No. A-89-2

Using Uncertain Regional Air Quality Model Outputs for Ozone Source Apportionment

Keywords: CMAQ, mean/variance (MV),temporal components (TC), root mean square errors (RMSE), CDF1 method

June 3, 2014 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Project No. CM-138-12-1

A Risk analysis / Hazard Assessment of High Ethanol Content Fuels at Service Stations

Supplemental Information

Keywords: AcuTech Consulting Group, Dry Vapor Pressure Equivalent, Enhanced Vapor Recovery, PHAST Pool Vaporization Model, PHAST Unified Dispersion
Model, Upper Flammability Temperature, Upper Flammability Limit, Ethanol, Gasoline

June 3, 2014 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Report: E-94-1

Evaluation and Investigation of Gaseous and Particulate Emissions on SIDI In-Use Vehicles with Higher Ethanol Blend Fuels

June 2, 2014 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Project No. A-88

Evaluation of Data Sources for Improving NEI Inputs

A-88 Task 1 Memo

Truck Stop Database Memo

Truck Stop Database

April 30, 2014 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report: E-97

Summary of Research on the Use of Intermediate Ethanol Blends in On-

Road Vehicles This report can currently be found at this site:

April 21, 2014 Emissions emissions published-report
CRC Report No. A-89-1

Methods for Adjusting Biases in Ozone Model Outputs for use in Attainment Demonstrations and Exposure Assessments

Keywords: Relative Reduction Factor (RRF) ,  Model prediction for Future (future 8H4), Model prediction for Base case (past 8H4),  Observed Base case design value (present 8H4), Observed in the Future (future 8H4), Design Value for Future (DVF)

February 4, 2014 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report: E-102

Transportation Fuel Life Cycle Assessment: Validation and Uncertainty of Well-to-Wheel GHG Estimates

November 22, 2013 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report: ACES Phase 2

Phase 2 of the Advanced Collaborative Emissions Study

ACES Ph2 Database

November 22, 2013 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report: E-95-2

Blender Pump Fuel Survey

October 22, 2013 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report: E-90-2b

Impact of Ethanol Blends on the OBDII Systems of In-Use Vehicles

August 22, 2013 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report: E-89

EPAct/V2/E-89: Assessing the Effect of Five Gasoline Properties on Exhaust Emissions from Light-Duty Vehicles Certified to Tier 2 Standards This report can currently be found at this site:

The appendices are available at:

April 23, 2013 Emissions emissions published-report
CRC Report No. AVFL-15a (CRC Report No. 664)

Durability of Fuel Pumps and Fuel Level Senders in Neat and Aggressive E15

Appendices A1-A6 h

Appendices A7-A12

January 17, 2013 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Report: E-90-2b Interim

Interim Report on Effects of Ethanol Blends on the OBDII Systems of In-Use Vehicles

November 22, 2012 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report: E-91

Evaporative Emissions Durability Testing

September 12, 2012 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report: E-70

Populations, Activity and Emissions of Diesel Nonroad Equipment in EPA Region 7

July 22, 2012 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report: E-83

Effects of Olefins Content on Exhaust Emissions

June 22, 2012 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report No. AVFL-18

Energy & Fuels Journal Article

May 22, 2012 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Report: E-88-2

Transportation Fuel Life Cycle Analysis – A Review of Indirect Land Use Change and Agricultural N2O Emissions

January 20, 2012 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report: E-85-2

National 2010-2011 Survey of E85

December 22, 2011 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report: E-100a

Remote Sensing Measurements for the E-100a Longitudinal Emission Pilot Study

August 22, 2011 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report: E-80

Exhaust and Evaporative Emissions Testing of Flexible-Fuel Vehicles

Program Data

August 22, 2011 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report: E-95

Blender Pump Fuel Survey

July 22, 2011 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report: E-88

Review of Transportation Fuel Life Cycle Analysis

March 7, 2011 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report: E-90-2a

Evaluation of Inspection and Maintenance OBD II Data to Identify Vehicles That May Be Sensitive to E10+ Blends

January 31, 2011 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report: E-77-2c

Study to Determine Evaporative Emission Breakdown, including Permeation Effects and Diurnal Emissions, Using E20 Fuels on Aging Enhanced Evaporative Emissions Certified Vehicles

January 28, 2011 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report: E-68a

Review of the 2009 Draft Motor Vehicle Emissions Simulator (MOVES) Model

January 22, 2011 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report: E-75-2

Diesel Unregulated Emissions Characterization

The original E-75 Diesel Speciation Database was reformatted to perform the E-75-2 data analysis, and fields not required for the analysis were eliminated. As described in the E-75-2 report, this second database contains some added records, and some records from the original database have been screened out. Sufficient identifying information is included in the E-75-2 database to map it back to the original data record in the E-75 database. It is provided here for your convenience.

E-75-2 Database

E-75-2 Emission Rate Data

July 22, 2010 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report No. FACE-1

Chemical and Physical Properties of the Fuels for Advanced Combustion Engines (FACE) Research Diesel Fuels

July 20, 2010 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, FACE, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants face published-report
CRC Report No. AVFL-13c

Analysis of the Effects of Fuel Chemistry and Properties on HCCI Engine Operation Using a PCA Representation of Fuels

March 31, 2010 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Report: E-90

Impact of E15/E20 Blends on OBDII Systems — Pilot Study

March 30, 2010 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report: E-77-2

Enhanced Evaporative Emission Vehicles

March 22, 2010 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report: E-85

National Survey of E85 Quality

November 22, 2009 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report No. AVFL-13b

Ethanol Effects on Gasoline-Like HCCI Combustion

Appendix E

Appendix F

August 20, 2009 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Report No. A-62-2

Impact of Reactive Halogen Species in California Coastal Areas

Final Report Figures

July 20, 2009 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. A-62-1

Impact of Reactive Halogen Species in California Coastal Areas

Final Report Figures

July 12, 2009 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report: E-87-1

Mid-Level Ethanol Blends Catalyst Durability Study Screening

June 22, 2009 Emissions emissions published-report
CRC Report No. AVFL-17

Investigation of Biodistillates as Potential Blendstocks for Transportation Fuels

June 20, 2009 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Report: ACES Phase 1

Phase 1 of the Advanced Collaborative Emissions Study

Final ACES Phase 1 Database

June 15, 2009 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report E-74b

Effects of Vapor Pressure, Oyxgen Content, and Temperature on CO Exhaust Emissions

May 22, 2009 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report E-84

Review of Prior Studies of Fuel Effects on Vehicle Emissions

August 14, 2008 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report No. AVFL-7a

Novel Techniques for NOx Reduction in an Oxidative Environment

July 1, 2008 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Report E-77 Pilot Study

Vehicle Evaporative Emission Mechanisms: A Pilot Study

E-77 Companion Data Files

June 24, 2008 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report AVFL-10c

Diesel Exhaust Standard Development: Phase 3

June 20, 2008 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Report E-69

Kansas City PM Characterization Study


Emissions Database I

Emissions Database II

These files and related materials can currently be found at this site:

April 1, 2008 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report E-66 Executive Summary

2007 Diesel Particulate Measurement Research Executive Summary

February 22, 2008 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report E-23

Remote Sensing in Four Cities to Determine the Change in On-Road Vehicle Fleet Emissions Over Time

December 9, 2007 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report No. 649

Evaluation of Low Temperature Operability Performance of Light-Duty Diesel Vehicles for North America
Vehicle Test Report & Data Analysis Report
CRC Project No. DP-2-04-1 & CRC Project No. DP-2-04-2

November 1, 2007 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Report E-75

Compilation of Diesel Emissions Speciation Data

The E-75 database was used as the starting point for the E-75-2 project. In the course of the E-75-
2 project, some errors were found in the E-75 database and corrected in the E-75-2 database.
However, the E-75 database contains additional data fields that were not needed for the E-75-2
analysis and so are not included in the E-75-2 database. Therefore, the original E-75 database is
still useful in providing these additional data fields, but the user should first verify that the emissions
data is correct by finding the corresponding emissions data record in the E-75-2 database.

Database (Excel format)

Database (MDB)

October 22, 2007 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report No. AVFL-13

Fuel Chemistry Impacts in Gasoline HCCI

The Final Report for AVFL-13 has been revised. The original report contains an error of scale in the hydrocarbon emissions results, which are high by a factor of three. The links below provide details of the revision. There are two letters from AVL which explain the source of the error and describe the revisions to the final report. An email letter from CRC Consultant Dr. Bill Leppard is also included, to put the impact of this error in context — no conclusions of the study are altered by this update. Revision Detail: AVL Letter June26, 2007, AVL Letter July 31, 2007, Leppard email June 28, 2007

Appendix A Literature Search

Appendix B Summary Plots

Appendix C Fuel Analysis

Appendix D Models

September 23, 2007 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Report E-66-3

2007 Diesel Particulate Measurement Phase 3

September 22, 2007 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report No. AVFL-2b

Task 1 Characterization of Biodiesel Oxidation and Oxidation Products

August 23, 2007 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Report E-55/59

Heavy-Duty Vehicle Chassis Dynamometer Testing for Emissions Testing, Air Quality Modeling, Source Apportionment, and Air Toxics Emissions Inventory



August 23, 2007 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report E-55/59



Interlaboratory Cross Check of Heavy-Duty Vehicle Chassis Dynamometers – Final Report (CRC Project No. E-55-1)

Qualification of the Heavy Heavy-Duty Diesel Truck Schedule and Development of Test Procedures (CRC Project No. E-55-2)

Statistical Analysis of Heavy-Duty Vehicle Fleet Sizes for Project E-55

Considerations in the Measurement of Ambient Air and Vehicle Exhaust to Support Chemical Mass Balance(CMB) Analysis (CRC E-59-1)

August 22, 2007 Emissions emissions published-report
CRC Report No. E-55/59 Phase 1.5

California Heavy Heavy-Duty Diesel Truck Emissions Characterization for Project E-55/59 Phase 1.5 (Appendices available on CD; please contact Betty Carter.)

August 20, 2007 Emissions emissions published-report
CRC Project No. AVFL-2b

August 12, 2007 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Report AVFL-2b

Characterization of Biodiesel Oxidation and Oxidation Products

August 12, 2007 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Report No. E-23-9

On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the Chicago Area:

Year 7, September 2006

July 22, 2007 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report ACES-1

Creation of the ‘Heavy Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine Test Schedule’ for Representative Measurement of Heavy-Duty Engine Emissions

July 16, 2007 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report ACES-1a

Creation of the 16-hour Engine Test Schedule from the Heavy Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine Test Schedule

July 11, 2007 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report E-79-2

Summary of the Study of E85 Fuel in the USA Winter 2006-2007

May 31, 2007 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report No. E-55-59 1.5a

Characterization of Ultrafine and Fine Particulate Matter Emissions from Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicles

May 22, 2007 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report CM-136-00

Report on the Work of the CEC/CRC/OACIS Task Force on the Development of a Test Method to Evaluate Fuel Quality with Respect to Injector Fouling in Direct Injection Gasoline Engines

April 3, 2007 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Report No. E-23-9

On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the Phoenix Area: Year 6, November 2006

On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the Chicago Area:
Year 7, September 2006

On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in west Los Angeles: Year 4, October 2005

On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the Denver Area: Year 5, January 2005

On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the Chicago Area: Year 6, September 2004

March 22, 2007 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report No. E-65-3

Fuel Permeation from Automotive Systems: E0, E6, E10, E20, and E85

December 22, 2006 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report No. E-69a

NREL Subcontract Number ACI-5-55528-01

Chemical Analysis of Lubrication Oil Samples from a Study to Characterize Exhaust Emissions from Light-Duty Gasoline Vehicles in the Kansas City Metropolitan Area

Appendix A

Appendix B

December 22, 2006 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report No. E-23-8

Analysis of Remote Sensing Data to Determine Deterioration Rates for OBDII Equipped Vehicles

September 22, 2006 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report No. E-79

Summary of the Study of E85 Fuel in the USA 2006

August 31, 2006 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report No. E-65-3 Interim Report

Fuel Permeation from Automotive Systems: E0, E6, E10 and

E85 E-65-3 Interim Report Program Data

August 22, 2006 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report No. A-49/3

Modeling the Weekday/Weekend Differences of Air Toxics

June 1, 2006 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. 629

2001 CRC Hot-Fuel Handling Program

June 1, 2006 Performance, Published Report performance published-report
CRC Report No. 647

CRC Aviation Committee – World Fuel Sampling Program
Available for Purchase – $150 – eCopy

Please contact Betty Carter at for the CRC Report No. 647

June 1, 2006 Aviation, Published Report aviation published-report
CRC Report No. E-66, Phase 2

2007 Diesel Particulate Measurement Research

March 22, 2006 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report No. E-67

Effects of Ethanol and Volatility Parameters on Exhaust Emissions

E-67 Data Set

January 30, 2006 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report No. A-49, Task 2

Weekday/Weekend Differences in Concentrations of Air Toxics in New York, NY; Philadelphia, PA; and Houston, TX

December 1, 2005 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. AVFL-2a

Impact of Biodiesel on Fuel System Component Durability

September 20, 2005 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Report No. AVFL-10b

Diesel Exhaust Standard – Phase II

August 20, 2005 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Report No. E-55/59, Phase 2

Heavy-Duty Vehicle Chassis Dynamometer Testing for Emissions Inventory, Air Quality Modeling, Source Apportionment and Air Toxics Emissions Inventory

July 12, 2005 Emissions emissions published-report
CRC Report No. E-66 – Phase 1

2007 Diesel Particulate Measurement Research

May 22, 2005 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report No. A-49

Air Toxics Modeling – Current Status, Challenges and Prospects

February 14, 2005 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. A-49

Air Toxics Modeling – Current Status, Challenges and Prospects

February 1, 2005 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. AVFL-10b-2

Hydrocarbon Species in the Exhaust of Diesel Engines Equipped with Advanced Emissions Control Devices

January 28, 2005 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Report No. A-44a/b

Annual PM Modeling and Analysis of Episode Aggregation Uncertainties for Annual Average PM2.5 and Visibility Modeling

October 29, 2004 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. AVFL-11

The Effect of Fuel Cetane Quality on Light-Duty Diesel

Committee Summary

Final Report

September 23, 2004 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
Full-Scale Engine Knock Tests of 30 Unleaded, High-Octane Blends

FAA-CRC Unleaded AVGAS Development Group Report

September 22, 2004 Aviation, Published Report aviation published-report
CRC Report E-23-8a

On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the Tulsa area: Year 1, September 2003

July 22, 2004 Emissions, Published Report emissions published-report
CRC Report No. E-64

Evaluation of the US EPA MOBILE6 Highway Vehicle Emission Factor Model

March 23, 2004 Emissions emissions published-report
CRC Report No. E-64

Evaluation of the US EPA MOBILE6 Highway Vehicle Emission Factor Model

March 12, 2004 Emissions emissions published-report
CRC Report No. E-23-4

On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the La Brea Area: Year 3, October 2003

On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the LaBrea Area: Year 2 February 2003

On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the Denver Area: Year 4, January 2003

On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the Denver Area: Year 3 January 2002

On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the Denver Area: Year 2 February 2001

On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the Los Angeles Riverside Area: Year 3 June2002

On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the Los Angeles Area: Year 2 March2001

On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the Phoenix Area: Year 3 May 2002

On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the Phoenix Area: Year 4, November 2002

On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the Phoenix Area: Year 2 January 2001

On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the Chicago Area: Year 4 August 2001

October 22, 2003 Emissions emissions published-report
CRC Report No AVFL-12a

Cold-Start and Warm-up Driveability Performance of Hybrid Electric Vehicles Using Oxygenate Fuels: Piggyback Project to the Volatility Group Intermediate-Temperature Program

October 20, 2003 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Report No. A-37-2

Guidance on the Application of CAMx Probing Tools

September 18, 2003 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. AVFL-10a

Diesel Exhaust Standard Phase I

August 20, 2003 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Report No. AVFL-3

Evaluation of Emission Characteristics Downstream of Diesel Oxidation Catalyst Technology

June 23, 2003 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Report No. A-43c

Trends in Ambient NOx and Particulate Nitrate Concentrations in California, 1980-2000

June 21, 2003 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. A-30 Final Report

Development of an Advanced Photochemical Model for Particulate Matter: PMCAMx For more information on the CAMx model:

January 23, 2003 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. E-7a

Sulfur Tolerant Vehicle Systems

E-7a Executive Summary





November 27, 2002 Emissions emissions published-report
CRC Report No. A-42-2

Development, Application, and Evaluation of an Advanced Photochemical Air Toxics Modeling System

September 27, 2002 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. A-24 & A-35A

Photochemical Modeling Study of the July 1995 NARSTO-NE Episode

Title Page

Executive Summary

September 23, 2002 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. A-36-A1

Proximate Modeling of Weekday/Weekend Ozone Differences in Los Angeles

July 31, 2002 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report No. E-64 Task 1

Validation of the US EPA MOBILE6 Highway Vehicle Emission Factor Model – Task 1 On-Road Tunnel Studies

July 29, 2002 Emissions emissions published-report
CRC Report No. AVFL-7

Literature Survey to Assess the State-of-the-Art of Selective Catalytic Reduction of Vehicle NOx Emissions

June 21, 2002 Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants, Published Report advanced-vehicle-fuel-lubricants published-report
CRC Report No. E-53

Weekend/Weekday Ozone Observations in the South Coast Air Basin: Volume I: Executive Summary Volume II: Analysis of Air Quality Data

April 30, 2002 Emissions emissions published-report
CRC Report No. E-23

Interim Report by Bob Slott Remote Sensing Measurement of Real World Vehicle High-Exhaust Emitters

April 22, 2002 Emissions emissions published-report
CRC Report No. E-43-4 Phase 2

Chemical Analysis of Diesel Nanoparticles Using a Nan-DMA/Thermal Desorption Particle Beam Mass Spectrometer

April 22, 2002 Emissions emissions published-report
CRC Project E-56 Final Report

Remote Sensing Measurements of On-Road Heavy-Duty Diesel NOx and PM Emissions

Executive Summary

Data Analysis Presentation

DRI Final Report E-56-1

DU Final Report E-56-2

February 22, 2002 Emissions emissions published-report
CRC Report No. A-27

The Mechanisms of Atmospheric Oxidation of the Aromatic Hydrocarbons

Final report by Jack G. Calvert, Roger Atkinson, Karl H. Becker,
Richard M. Kamens, John H. Seinfeld, Timonthy H. Wallington, and Greg
Yarwood published in book form by Oxford University Press.

For ordering information see Oxford University Press website at:

February 14, 2002 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report A-36-B

Data Analysis for a Better Understanding of the Weekday/Weekend Ozone and PM Differences

Appendices A-C

Appendices D

June 1, 2001 Atmospheric Impacts, Published Report atmospheric-impacts published-report
CRC Report E-43-4 Phase 1

Chemical Analysis of Diesel Nanoparticles Using a Nan-DMA/Thermal Desorption Particle Beam Mass Spectrometer – Phase 1 (Posted 1/19/01)

Additional Figures

January 19, 2001 Emissions emissions published-report

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